
August 10, 2018

数字订婚 attracts and retains customers while providing them with the best on-line services.

Has your comms solution kept up with customer demand?


The number of applications for smartphones has exploded. Developed by innovative start-ups who walk in the customer’s shoes, these applications solve day-to-day pain points of customers, citizens and communities with user friendly interfaces dedicated to very specific markets.

It’s no surprise that companies must ride the innovation wave with a user-friendly consumer-centric approach to remain competitive. 他们必须首先投资 客户数字参与 to maintain or increase their top-line then ensure their best operations by focusing on optimization and cost efficiency. 此外,他们必须确保维护 为了人员和资产安全.

数字订婚 attracts and retains customers while providing them with the best on-line services. With many technologies expanding to the cloud it becomes easier to embed communications (such as IM, voice and video), 连接自然语言处理bot, 使用额外的服务. These services automate and enhance digital engagement with citizens, customers and the community providing customer information, 分析与人工智能.

Providing the best customer engagement is important, however, it’s also important to provide exceptional services. 这将导致固体内部 operations.

It all starts with strong collaboration in-house and with external parties, 例如供应商或合作伙伴, and includes multi-disciplinary collaboration and conferencing capabilities. It is also important to anticipate rather than react, share data and analytics as well as gain better analysis of analytics through 人工智能.

In addition, by integrating communications within business process applications, APIs can be used to prevent the staff from changing contextual interfaces and to simplify the staff’s day-to-day life.

Lastly, the new cloud deployment and licensing models are more cost effective and improve system security. 这些模型利用了IP, 桌面和服务器虚拟化, 以及简化IT操作.

当然,我们应该谈谈保留问题 人员和资产安全 from the worst that can happen, meaning major human accidents or cyberattacks. Communications need an efficient and resilient network and voice infrastructure to survive such attacks. Fortunately, 这些事件并不常见, however it is better to prevent them from occurring in the first place. The best emergency and notification solutions react to any type of alarm that human and connected objects trigger, 分析形势, on boarding the right operational teams and communicating easily to the right people. 连接IoT(物联网), monitoring, and moving from a communications-enabled business process (CEBP) to an IoT-enabled business process (IoTEBP), based on AI based on analytics helps evolve the solution from preventive maintenance to proactive maintenance.

Ensure customer satisfaction with proactive maintenance and security
Providing the best user experience depends on the industry addressed: Whether it is healthcare, education, transportation or government. Ensuring competitiveness is possible by providing the best, cost-effective services and efficient operations. This is supported through a secure environment that has proactive maintenance.

If you are looking for ways to keep up with demands from your customers for better communications, it may be time to consider new ALE Communications solutions and services such as location-based services, 人工智能, IoT connections or integration within business applications. Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ UCaaS and CPaaS have been enhanced to address most cloud and vertical market needs.

We have more to share on this topic, and offering you the “垂直市场和数字革命” paper with concrete example on how your comms solution can keep up with customer demand.



Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical Solutions, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Jacques is Senior Director, Head of Communications Vertical Solutions at ALE. He is responsible for creating digital solutions to address needs in Education, Government, Healthcare, and Hospitality, 以及内容创作来支持销售. Jacques is a graduate of Telecom ParisTech, France.

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