

数字化工作场所对于积极影响员工积极性至关重要, 生产力, 订婚, 工作与生活的平衡和保留.


It has been said that employees are an organisation’s greatest asset. 在ALE,我们相信这是真的. That’s why we think it’s crucial for businesses to make their employee’s experience a top priority, 是否在家, 无论是在办公室还是在旅途中.

Organisations have recently been challenged to respond to workplace disruptions. To keep their businesses afloat they have had to quickly pivot to new ways of working. The good news is many showed up with remarkable resiliency and adaptability. Digital transformations that were at a nascent stage were accelerated as 云-based communications and collaboration solutions were adopted to help ensure business continuity.

Today’s ongoing uncertain economic and social environment continues to throw new  challenges at organisations, 包括竞争性人才招聘, new working model expectations and rapidly changing customer demands. It will be up to business leaders to prioritise the employee experience, 制定留住和吸引人才的战略, 同时在今天的新工作环境中发展业务.


认识到员工体验的重要性, goes beyond traditional notions of employee satisfaction or 订婚. Today it encompasses the overall journey and interactions an employee has with their organisation, 团队和业务Contact, 等. A positive employee experience is crucial for fostering 生产力 and innovation and cultivating a healthy company culture.

The first step is to accept the fact that today’s employees want more work flexibility and expect employers to provide it.

保持业务运行, 快乐的员工提供一流的客户服务, 提供一个混合的数字工作场所是一个不错的选择. 它提供了一个“感觉良好”的地方,员工可以在家工作, 在办公室或远程, 同时保持Contact,无论他们在哪里. It also means your employees can enjoy a better work-life balance without impacting performance.


Equipped with the appropriate communications and collaboration 云-based services, 应用程序, 工具和设备, 你的员工可以超越他们的竞争对手. 另外, 它创造了一个提高员工敬业度的机会, satisfaction and motivation resulting in higher customer satisfaction and better business outcomes.

Our ALE comprehensive portfolio of digital communications and collaboration solutions, 系统, 应用程序和设备,如电话, 软电话, 移动电话和耳机, 实现员工所要求的灵活的数字化工作场所. 我们独特的“à-la-carte”云模式选项包括混合, on premises and full 云 solutions help make this possible as businesses struggle to do more with less.

达到预期, the digital workplace needs to provide the right apps and devices to enable employees to do their job easily without having to spend time with IT fixing connection issues or spending hours learning new software programs or apps.

Every workforce is comprised of different profiles and jobs such as front-line employees, 后台工作人员, 客服人员, 销售和远程工作人员. It’s important to equip each employee with the tools to improve their 订婚, 生产力和动力. 这些包括:

  • Intuitive and secure 云-based communications and collaboration 应用程序
  • Real-time communications services such as enterprise-grade telephony
  • 团队协作服务
  • 先进的手机
  • 手机和智能手机应用
  • 以软件为基础的电话,可以在任何地方进行通信


  • Them to engage in context-based customer interactions that provide the right information at the right time, 创造更好的商业成果
  • Increased employee 订婚: When employees have a positive experience at work, 他们更有可能参与并致力于自己的角色. 对工作充满热情的敬业员工, 多付出一点, 并为组织的成功做出贡献.
  • Enhanced 生产力 and performance: Satisfied employees are more motivated and productive, 提高个人和团队的表现. 员工觉得自己与组织的目标息息相关, 了解他们在实现目标中的角色, 并有必要的资源和支持,以超越.
  • Talent attraction and retention: A positive employee experience is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied employees can bolster an organisation's brand, 使他们成为竞争激烈的就业市场上的首选雇主.
  • Innovation and creativity: When employees feel supported and empowered, 他们更有可能创造性地思考, 勇于冒险,勇于创新. A positive employee experience nurtures a culture of innovation and ongoing improvement.



提高员工体验不再是一种选择. It is critical for success and is possible with a flexible digital workplace, 哪一种正在成为常态.

优先考虑员工的福祉, offering flexibility and an attractive workplace with the communications and collaboration tools to foster teamwork and create a winning environment, organisations can create a fulfilling and engaging experience for their employees.

积极的员工体验可以提高敬业度, 提高生产力, 创造一种创新的文化. 最终, 它使组织能够吸引和留住顶尖人才, and build a workforce that thrives and drives the business forward in today's competitive landscape.




Cloud and Communications Program Marketing Director at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Currently Cloud and Communications Program Marketing Director at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, 伊莎贝尔在IT方面有多年的经验, 云, 电信, 数字营销, 渠道营销和项目管理. 在担任服务项目营销总监之前, she provided marketing support for ALE 服务 and Professional 服务 business division. Other prior positions included Marketing and Communications director and Channel Marketing director in France and abroad.

伊莎贝尔对新技术充满热情. Along with her international work experiences in different marketing positions in IT, 云和通信火狐体育手机, she enjoys exchanging ideas on market and industry trends as well as discussing enterprise challenges. She also has solid experience in building and sustaining customer relationships in complex international B2B situations.

Isabelle拥有多媒体项目经理学位 巴黎的IIM (互联网与多媒体研究所), 并获得行政管理学位, 布雷斯特大学的经济学和社会研究.






Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, 降低成本, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

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Educational institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.
