Something to believe in: Technology and a safe school


Technology can help build a safe school environment with IoT, sensors, connectivity.

According to CNN’s report of 21st of February, there have been at least 20 incidents involving threats and weapons at schools in USA since the Florida shooting the 14th of February 2018.

这些悲惨事件的结果, 再一次, 协会, politicians and education’s leadership will debate about legislation reform for carrying weapons. They will also discuss how to take a proactive approach to identify individuals at risk, while avoiding further school shootings or other dangerous incidents. All those discussions will take time. Pending the outcome of this study, we had to act quickly and protect our children. We must identify the means to be employed for efficient perimeter monitoring, responsiveness and alert notification.

监控摄像头, 安全的镜子, gates, car parking sensor … all of these are essential equipment to supervise site entrances/exits. Maybe all education establishments are equipped with these, but are the devices connected?

Yes, we are talking about IoT: Internet of Things. IoT improves interaction and safety by enabling real-time connectivity. When you connect security devices to the communication platform, you bring intelligence and communication capabilities to your security system. It will be a part of the connected community and help to gain in interactions and responsiveness.

During such an event, it is important to reach the right person at the right time in the right place. Using several channels of communication (chat, call, SMS, app notification, etc.…) we increase the chance to get in touch with persons and notify them in real-time. Not just notify but also provide security instructions in hope to avoid panic and orient students to a safe place.

的新技术 地理位置 help to provide accurate information about indoor and outdoor location of incident, the gathering-places or the location of people. That will allow a greater routing of rescue services and facilitate people evacuation. 

我们正处于互联时代, 解决连接的一代, we have a huge opportunity to have various means of communication and notification. Technology is helping us improve security and safety inside and outside schools and campuses. Embracing it to its full potential still is an opportunity.


“We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear”, 纳尔逊·曼德拉



Head of Global Vertical Markets, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

法蒂玛Elleouet is responsible for the ALE vertical sales and marketing strategy. She leads an international team of vertical experts in Government, 教育, 运输, 医疗保健, 能源及公用事业. Fatima’s experience in vertical markets gives her in-depth knowledge of vertical industry business processes, technology ecosystems and challenges. Fatima has 22 years of experience in the technology industry and holds an MBA and a Computer Science Engineering degree.




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